SJHS Class of 1956
- Thanks to George Drechen ('57) for the class list!
- Names which are highlighted as links have Personal Info
- Personal Info pages contain, where available: photo, bio
notes, addresses, phone number, E-mail address.
Volunteer Wanted: member of class of 1956 to
serve as contact person for your class (your E-mail address will
be placed here) and to update and maintain this page.
Graduation Day:
- Veronica I. Alfano
- Raymond W. Allhiser
- Theresa Andruszka (Robinson)
- Lorraine Andruzzi
- Anne M. C. Bartosky
- Arthur P. Benecke
- Elaine A. Biedrzycki
- Louise C. Bonatti (Stricker)
- Patricia B. Brophy
- Pasquale Caramanna
- Edward C. Casey
- Paul R. Clifford
- Elaine Daroszewski
- Frank J. Del Rossi
- James A. DiVietro
- John J. Doyle
- Longine J. Draim
- Anthony J. Dustman
- Estelle M. Dzinski
- Doris A. Enderle
- Veronica B. Filipski
- Theresa F. Gabrylewicz
- Daniel W. Gendron
- Joseph E. Gentek
- Alice F. Gillesspie
- Robert
F. Giosia - died
18 February, 2002
- Sandra A. Hadley
- Donald J. Headley - now living in South
Barnegat NJ E-mail
- Paul E. Heipp
- Ronald J. Holak
- Christine M. Hubert
- Gertrude L. Imbesi
- Barbara Imielinski
- Marie B. Janowski
(Rightmeyer) -
now living in Hamburg PA E-mail
- Richard Jaskiewicz
- Barbara J. Kasprzak
- Genevieve L. Kanigowska
- Joanne R. Kaplaniak
- Daniel J. Kirkpatrick
- Barbara E. Kmita (Kenck) E-mail
"I would like to hear from any of my dear old
- Barbara J. Knast
- Alice Koszowski
- Maryann A. C. Kowalczyk
- Jean A. Kraszewski
- Barbara A. Krimson
- Dolores H. Lagocki
- Robert M. Lambert E-mail
- Jeanette C. Lang
- Arthur T. Lattanzi E-mail
"I left Jersey a long time ago and sure would like
to hear from anyone and everyone. I'm presently living in
Clarksville TN. I've lived in SC, TX, AZ. VA, GA, FL. and
now TN. I spent 15 mo in Kuwait, a year in Saudi Arabia,
been to Germany and Switzerland. My beautiful wife June
told me if I decide to move again, it will be 6 ft.
under. Guess I'll be retiring in TN."
- Walter Lesniowski
- Bruce A. Leusner
- Agnes F. Little
- John F. Magann
- Hilda J. Marchlik
- Janice C. Meshanic
- Patricia J. Migala
- Andrew A. Mitchell
- Joseph Mlinarevick
- Jane W. Muczyk
- J. Mulholland
- Patricia S. Peraria
- Michael S. Petulla
- Patricia L. Pietrzyk
- Peter A. Pisecco
- Regina A. Poplawska
- Patricia C. Powers
- Veronica L. Reilly
- Charles V. Rifici
- Joan A. Rush
- Joseph F. Rupnik
- Marie R. Russolo
- Gerald P. Shurko
- Robert T. Sommers
- Raymond J. Sonsini
- Rita A. St. John
- John F. Sweet
- Joanna F. Talla
- Leonard F. Turi
- Richard F. Ulak
- Walter A. Wardach
- Gertrude M. Wiatr
- Emily T. Wiercioch
- Jerome Wlodarczyk
- Helen M. Zduniak
- Lois M. Zuzga
Last Revised: May 24, 2009
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