A Brief Summary of the
The Big Story began on June 25, 1953, and although the final chapters cannot be written at this time, almost one-third of the debt on St. Joseph's High School has been paid. The payment was made possible by generous parishioners and friends of St. Joseph's Church through contributions to a Debt Reduction Fund which was started by the parish Holy Name Society in observance of its Silver Jubilee.
Starting with a three-fold objective: I - To reduce the school debt, 2 - Acquaint all parishioners with the existing obligation, 3 - Commemorate appropriately the Society's 25th Anniversary Year, the fund program was launched last summer.
After a 12-week mailing campaign the three-point program reached its climax at the anniversary dinner on Saturday, October 17, 1953, when the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Arthur B. Strenski, P.A., was presented with a gift check for $37,071.20 from his parishioners and friends. Subsequent pledge redemptions raised the cash gift total to $47,277.44. In the parish bulletin on Sunday, January 3, 1954, the Rev. Monsignor announced the debt was reduced to $103,500.
During the, fund drive meticulous care was used in the handling of all finances. Every week as the contributions arrived at the rectory each gift was carefully checked and registered in the contributor's personal file. The money was then placed by one of the assistant pastors in a special parish banking account.
The mailing and filing in itself constituted a major task. In three separate mailings, more than 13,000 letters were sent to parishioners, former members of our parish and friends. The response was gratifying as 1200 acknowledgments were either mailed or delivered personally.
A time extension granted for the redemption of pledges produced excellent results and, much to the gratification of Monsignor Strenski, additional school offerings continue to be made. However, in fairness to a previous commitment, a deadline was placed for the publication of the Souvenir Booklet. From now on due recognition will be given high school contributors in the parish bulletin.
With the exception of a few donors who wish to remain anonymous, all donations received as of January 31, 1954, are group-listed in this booklet. To all contributors it is our extreme pleasure to say once again, Thank You! Your sacrifice and your support helped us to write another bright page in the history of our society.
--from the October 17, 1953 Souvenir Program
Return to St. Joseph High School Free Range Salt Lick. Last Revised: May 24, 2009