SJHS Bisons 24, Camden Catholic 0

Bisons Shellack Irish First Time in 16 Tilts
Courier-Post Staff
  The happiest man in Farnham
Park about 3:15 yesterday
afternoon probably was Al
  The popular athletic
and all·around coach of St.
Joseph's High School of Camden
waited 13 years for the day the
South Camden school would
beat Camden Catholic on the
football field.
  Yesterday, Litwa witnessed
the Bisons put on a display of
power football as they rolled to
an impressive 24-0 victory over
the Irish in the final gridiron
meeting between the two
  It was the first time the
Bisons have been able to handle
the Irish in 16 meetings, but
Litwa has been connected with
the school only 13 years.
  "I've waited 13 years for this
day," was Litwa's chant as he
paced the sidelines for the final
whistle. "This has to be the
finest day in St. Joe"s history."
  When the whistle blew,
bedlam broke loose on the St.
Joe's side of the field. Leading
the shouting as he threaded his
way through the players con-
gratulating them was Litwa.
  "Boy, were our kids hitting
out there today," Litwa said.
"The kids wanted this game
and they went right out there
and did the job."
  Head coach Ken Pikus was in
total agreement. "Our kids
were up for this one," he said
on completing a 6·3 season in
his first season at the helm.
"We took advantage of
Catholic's mistakes -- that was
the difference."
  After a scoreless first quarter,
the Bisons started a drive from
their own 39 and moved to a
first down on the Irish six. Led
by Steve Zannoni, the Irish
defense stiffened and took over
on-the one, however.
  Two plays later, Catholic
quarterback Mike Onofrio
fumbled and Dom Sciamanna
recovered for the Bisons at the
five. The Irish defense held
again however, and Mike
DiCarlantonio booted a field
goal from the 11.
  The score remained 3·0 until
midway through the third
period. Mike Eagan pounced on
a Catholic fumble at the Irish
11 and the Bisons moved to the
one, from where quarterback
Bill Jarrett took it over.
DiCarlantonio's placement made
it 10-0.
  "We had trouble holding on
the ball out there," losing coach
Jim Delaney said after the
game. "But that's no excuse,
because they had the same wet
conditions we had and they
didn't give up the ball."
  The Bisons wrapped it up
early in the final period. Chris
Malinowski hauled in a punt at
the Catholic 47, started to his
right, then cut back to his left
and had clear sailing to the end
zone for a touchdown.
DiCarlantonio again converted.
  The final score came after
Bob Maneeley intercepted an
0nofrio pass at the Catholic 36.
The Bisons moved to the four,
from where Jim Nicgorski went
for the touchdown. DiCarlan-
tonio again converted.
  The Irish penetrated St. Joe's
territory only once, in the sec-
ond quarter when they reached
the 32. However. on a fourth·
down screen pass, the Irish lost
seven yards.
  "I thought our defense was
outstanding," Pikus said. "The
kids were out there hitting and
it was our best all-around effort
of the season."
  Usually a passing team, the                  
Bisons didn't! attempt a single
aerial as Jarrett's ball-handling
under the weather conditions
was outstanding.
  "When we got ahead we just
didn't want to take a chance of
throwing," Pikus said. "Our
running game was okay and our
defense was doing the job, so
we didn't pass."
  The Irish are 4-3-1, with a
game remaining with Holy
Spirit on Tuesday at Farnham

Posted: November 3, 1999

Back Arrow Return to St. Joseph High School Free Range Salt Lick.

This space provided by Michael P. McDowell, Class of '72,
author of
Emprise, The Quiet Pools and
The Trigger.